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Neuvorstellungen und Diskussion über Stockseiten, die eine eigene Kategorie erhalten sollen
Beiträge: 2156
Registriert: Di 10. Apr 2012, 21:19
Wohnort: Sindelfingen


Beitragvon magann » Mi 25. Apr 2012, 12:16

Gerade entdeckt: http://www.pocketstock.com hat schon jemand Erfahrung mit der Seite?
E-Book: Geld verdienen mit Stockfotografie :up:
Shutterstock: Portfolio
AdobeStock: Portfolio

Beiträge: 20
Registriert: Mi 25. Apr 2012, 12:30
Wohnort: London, UK

Re: pocketstock

Beitragvon Pocketstock » Mi 25. Apr 2012, 15:00

Pocketstock is a new generation microstock agency. Our emphasis is on democratising stock content, by offering high quality material taken using pocket and mobile devices, along with the most expensive equipment available. It's not the money spent that counts, but the content quality.

Along with showcasing the very best professional and stockproduction houses, http://www.pocketstock.com will also represent content produced by people who will have never previously commercially made their content available. Our commitment to both client and contributor is – if it's good enough we'll offer it for sale, whomever the producer. Pocketstock sells content produced by those that know.

The agency is owned by Russell Glenister, an industry veteran with over 25 years experience as well as the former owner of image100, a royalty free agency which was bought by Corbis a few years go.

At the moment, we are taking in and uploading content ready for our proper sales launch at the end May/beginning of June so nobody will really have any experience of working with us yet! However, we are happy to answer any questions on the forum or alternatively if anyone wants to email us directly:

russell@pocketstock.com (Owner)
marianne@pocketstock.com (International Development)
tavis@pocketstock.com (Creative)

We look forward to getting to know you all!

Bis bald.

Beiträge: 709
Registriert: Do 12. Apr 2012, 14:16
Wohnort: Ojai, CA, USA

Re: pocketstock

Beitragvon hlehnerer » Mi 25. Apr 2012, 15:13

Some questions for the beginning:

What is the price for your images?
What is the royalty rate for the contributor?
Do you have FTP upload?
Do you read out the Meta / IPTC data from the image files, so that we don't have to put in title, description, and keywords again?
Is it necessary to pick a category out after the uplaod?
Exclusive vs. Non-Exclusive?
Can the contributor delete their own images? Any time restriction?
Do you pay for upload in the beginning?
Why should we upload to you?
What make you standout from the other agencies?
Why do you think that you can bring in enough sales for the contributor to make it interesting for us?
How do we get paid? Paypal?

Beiträge: 206
Registriert: Mo 16. Apr 2012, 10:44

Re: pocketstock

Beitragvon Macer » Mi 25. Apr 2012, 17:35

Habe mich dort etwas umgeschaut - sind ja schon ein paar Dauerverdächtige dort vertreten.

Spontan aufgefallen ist mir, dass es anscheinend nicht möglich ist nach Fotografen zu suchen, bzw. schaut man sich ein Bild an ich keine Möglichkeit gefunden habe mir das Portfolio des entsprechenden Fotografen anzuschauen!?
EIn 100% Ansicht habe ich auch nicht gefunden - wenn man Fotos vom Mobile etc. verkaufen will, so würde mich als Kunde ne 100%Sicht brennend interessieren.

Die generelle Entscheidung exklusiv/nichtexklusiv nicht aufs Bild sondern auf Fotografen zu beziehen und Fotografen-nicht-exklusivität mit einem niedrigeren Share zu bestrafen halte ich bei einer Agentur die noch nicht auf dem Markt ist für - nun, wie sag ich es - "Urheberunfreundlich".
Kein Urheber mit einem gewissen Portfolio wird sich für ne Fotografenexklusivität begeistern können wenn noch keine Kunden existieren.
Da komme ich mir als potentieller Lieferant von Anfang an etwas verscheissert vor da die angebotene Fotografenexklusivität nichts anderes ist als eine reine Alibioption mit der man glaubt elegant? den Fotografenshare drücken zu können - erscheint mir billig.

Wäre es der Agentur wichtig ihren Kunden exklusives Material anbieten zu können, so würde sie Bildexklusivität extra honorieren und nicht von Anfang an Fotografenexklusivität ausschließlich zum Share-drücken nutzen.

Schlechter Anfang - wie ich finde.
Trägt den Keim von "Wenn wir mal groß sind drücken wir euch noch weiter" in sich. Beispiele dafür gibts ja genug...
Für mich keine Motivation den Start der Agentur zu unterstützen.

Wie es anders und besser geht zeigt GL (51% Share für alle Urheber)

PS: Bei GL, Shutterstock, PC, DT, Veer... habe ich z.B. einige uralte Bilder (5MP, 100€ Kompaktkamera) eingestellt - so etwas besonderes ist das mit dem billigen Equipment nicht. Wenn das Bild gut ist und die mindestpixel ausreichen kenne ich keine Micros die wg, Kameratechnik ablehnen würden
Zuletzt geändert von Macer am Mi 25. Apr 2012, 18:35, insgesamt 2-mal geändert.
Beste Grüße

Beiträge: 394
Registriert: Mo 16. Apr 2012, 14:14

Re: pocketstock

Beitragvon dirkr » Mi 25. Apr 2012, 18:17

Neue Agentur, keine Kunden, 30% -> Danke, nein.

Beiträge: 150
Registriert: Sa 21. Apr 2012, 00:05

Re: pocketstock

Beitragvon matt » Mi 25. Apr 2012, 18:24

Was ist GL.
Sorry fuer die blöde frage.

Beiträge: 206
Registriert: Mo 16. Apr 2012, 10:44

Re: pocketstock

Beitragvon Macer » Mi 25. Apr 2012, 18:26

Beste Grüße

Beiträge: 2156
Registriert: Di 10. Apr 2012, 21:19
Wohnort: Sindelfingen

Re: pocketstock

Beitragvon magann » Do 26. Apr 2012, 08:44

Marianne von Pocketphoto hat mich angeschrieben und einen laaangen Brief in deutsch angehängt.
Die wollen praktisch den Microstockmarkt retten 8-) naja... eine interessante Info für uns alle ist jedenfalls:

"Wir bauen gerade unser Angebot auf und bieten deswegen zur Zeit ein Spezialangebot von 40%. Wir wissen, dass wir uns das leisten können. Diese Lizenzgebühren werden wir nicht verändern, weil das unserer Meinung nach nicht fair wäre. Wenn ihr von diesem Angebot Gebrauch machen wollt, könnt ihr Tavis (Tavis@pocketstock.com) kontaktieren und euren 40% Promo Code anfragen. Die Lizenz der Bilder, die ihr dann hochladet, wird für immer bei 40% bleiben."

Klingt ganz gut, finde ich!

Wer mehr Infos möchte, dem kann ich den gesamten 4-seitigen Brief gerne zusenden!
E-Book: Geld verdienen mit Stockfotografie :up:
Shutterstock: Portfolio
AdobeStock: Portfolio

Beiträge: 20
Registriert: Mi 25. Apr 2012, 12:30
Wohnort: London, UK

Re: pocketstock

Beitragvon Pocketstock » Do 26. Apr 2012, 16:09

Thank you all for your comments and questions. Hopefully the following information will help clarify things.

What is the price for your images?
We don't intend undercutting the higher priced microstock agencies, we don't believe in short term gain and long term loss. Also our Compass collection allows photographers to offer content at much higher price points, which we are keen to develop, for the right material.

What is the royalty rate for the contributor?
Royalty rates normally start at 30%, rising to 40%, but we're offering a special introductory commission of 40% to photographers who sign up now. They have to email Tavis@pocketstock.com to get a personal code, which they then have to enter online. It's a tricky one royalties, we have been around for a long time and seen a number of agencies, too many to list, offer great rates at the beginning, then offer terrible rates down the road. Ideally we'd be happy with 40%, that's why we are offering this amount as an introduction. We may not offer it for long though as it's an expensive business to get a foothold in – we'll need to spend a lot of money to be successful, but we won't drop your rate if you sign up whilst it's on offer.

Do you have FTP upload?
Yes, we certainly do. I just checked and we have around 100 new photographers frantically using it right now, so it's taking a good battering and still standing up.

Do you read out the Meta / IPTC data from the image files, so that we don't have to put in title, description, and keywords again?
Yes, again that's not a problem, we have an excellent tech team working on making everything easy for the contributor.

Is it necessary to pick a category out after the uplaod?
No, we handle this as part of our search engine development, which we will be heavily developing over time.

Exclusive vs. Non-Exclusive?
We are not going out of our way to try to take exclusive content at present, other than phone images, because it will take us some time to get really good sales and we don't want to take images in the pretence that we will make lots of money for the contributor in the early days – we've seem this happen all too often. When the time is right for us and the contributor, we will look at exclusive deals. Until then it just wouldn't be fair for us to go down this road. It won't take us long to get some traction, but it's not going to be days that we do it in. Relationships should be a two way thing, based on honesty, we prefer it that way.

Can the contributor delete their own images? Any time restriction?
It's possible to delete images before they go through the quality control process but after that, contributors can cancel their agreement and remove their images. If there are individual images that need removing we can agree to that too, however, we won't take kindly to someone taking their best images and moving them exclusively to someone else. It's not the way we want to develop a successful relationship.

Do you pay for upload in the beginning?
No, it's not something we have even considered and will certainly not be doing it. We want contributors to give us images on merit, not because we pay them to hand them over. I am sure most contributors would prefer us to put that money into marketing for growth.

Why should we upload to you?
We have plenty of industry experience, a successful track record of building a business, bought by Corbis and we're serious about making a success of Pocketstock. It's not going to be for everyone to come on board early on, but without that support everyone, who has contributed, gets affected. If we don't get enough material, we won't get the clients and from there we won't get the sales. If we get the right material, in both quantity and quality we can assure you all we will make a success of this. We are well financed and in it for the long term, but without revenue, no business can survive.

If you guys don't back us with your content, we, like many others, get pushed down the API road, which is both bad for you and bad for us. You get greatly reduced margins on your sales and we get little SEO traction, as a lot of the traffic goes off site and therefore it becomes more difficult to build a client base. We recently got offered 11 million images, it would be easy to take them, very easy, but I don't believe it's good for the industry, you or us.

That might tell you something about how we want to do this, through relationship building and a good return to you – 40% is much better than the 15% you would have got if we signed the API I am talking about. We didn't see that as fair, so said no. We have also been offered 6 million and 2 million images from other agencies, so API is freely available. I can tell you though, it's not good for you, you make little money from it and compress the distribution channels, which long term will damage your returns.

What make you standout from the other agencies?
We want to open this up to a broader contributor base, both at the low end and the high end. We want to represent images from people who have never made money from their images commercially, as well as the traditional microstock guys – you and the top end pros, who have still to get seriously involved in stock, which we have a lot of experience with.

We are also about to offer PocketBriefs to our network. This will be a first for a stock agency. Clients post their briefs and we ping those briefs to the photographers who shoot that type of material. If the request is for a baby, we send it out to our lifestyle photographers, for example. The pricing will be higher and we are happy for the client and photographer to communicate, if required. It'll be a great profile builder for photographers, as well as a likely added revenue stream. This will be based around some very neat technology. We are also developing with our partners, face and image recognition technology, which we will incorporate into our search – we can't say any more, except it's the same technology that is use at Heathrow Airport.

Our new app, which should be ready in six weeks is going to blow your mind. You will be able shoot an image and have it live within minutes. What this space for more news, as we can't say any more right now.

The Pocketstock Academy, which we have just launched will appeal to everyone. At it's core are inspirational and educational videos; from how to shoot almost anything to lighting techniques. This we will expand to 50 videos by the end of July, some for beginners, some for experts – like you guys and much in-between. We have a whole department dedicated to this.

There's a lot going on at Pocketstock, but we can't do everything at once. From June 1st, when we launch our sales operation, in UK and USA – we plan to move into Germany next – we will hope to be able expand our differentiators quite a bit more.

Why do you think that you can bring in enough sales for the contributor to make it interesting for us?
We have given a few pointers to this above. In addition, we know what we are doing, we built a multi million dollar business in this space before. We have a big marketing plan and we are well supported. If we do the right things and give ourselves some stand out, which we know we can, the customers will come, it just takes time. There are a lot of guys who set up in this industry that believe you just have to turn up to be successful, we don't. We know it will be hard, but we have the tools and the experience of what works and what does not. Money also helps, as no one is going knock any of the big four off their perch without it. It's a $1billion business and the top four make up about $800m of that, that still leaves $200m. We plan to take some of this and some of the $800m too.

How do we get paid? Paypal?
Yes, PayPal is the preferred method of payment, although we can also pay by Moneybookers since PayPal isn't an option in all countries. Once you earn $70 you can cash out.

Bis bald.

Beiträge: 709
Registriert: Do 12. Apr 2012, 14:16
Wohnort: Ojai, CA, USA

Re: pocketstock

Beitragvon hlehnerer » Do 26. Apr 2012, 16:48

Thank you for the very informative respond. I have three more question as I could not find this on your website.

Do you accept Vector graphics?
What is the minimum resolution for images?
Do you have a referral / affiliate program?

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